Nurturing Dreams

Strategic Planning Services

Whether you’re a growing an organization or a visionary creator with a new idea, we provide support to New Earth Leaders.

Upcoming Training:

Are you a visionary, artist, activist or creative with an idea?

Then our Strategic Planning Institute is for you.

Whether you’re a growing an organization or a visionary creator with a new idea, we provide support to New Earth Leaders.

Accelerate Your Growth

Gain the confidence and clarity that leads you to greatness.

The Strategic Planning Institute provides a scaffolded approach to creating your strategic plan covering areas including:

  • Mission, Vision, and Values
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats)
  • Theory of Change
  • Decolonizing Power Structures
  • Stakeholder Feedback
  • Accountability Partners

We cultivate visionaries by helping them create a powerful plan for success.

Upcoming Start Dates:

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Want to co-create joyful and abundant futures? 

Contact us and let's work together for a thriving planet.